music // TIGER BEAMS

14 Oct 2010


Meet my pals Jeremy and Jesse. Two of the coolest guys you’ll ever meet. I mean ever. I wish I’d met them sooner, and not just a couple of months ago because now I'm about to leave and it’s much harder to hang out while in a different hemisphere. So I saw TIGER BEAMS last night and Jesse was sick, but managed not to lose his voice. He borrowed a friend's jacket and my necklace to be fringetastic. The suede jacket lasted all of one song before it got too hot though!






And a somewhat dodgy video of BEAMS OF LIGHT.

music // angus & julia stone

26 Sept 2010

Angus & Julia Stone @ Tivoli

i'm not sure if i even have words for how special the angus & julia stone concert was last night. they are magnificent and amazing. i was lucky enough to get a photo pass thanks to my friend kate and my photos will appear on newsunlimited in the next week or so. their show sold out so fast and they ended up doing a total of five shows in brisbane.

angus and julia came out by themselves for the first song, santa monica dream and you could feel how still the entire room was. then they started bella and after the first chorus the curtain rose and everyone started cheering because the stage was beautiful. an entire backdrop of lights, a lamp post and a huge tree twinkling with more lights. i knew i wasn't going to be able to see much after i left the photo pit, so i just kind of sat and enjoyed julia singing a few metres away from me for the first song.

Angus & Julia Stone @ Tivoli

Angus & Julia Stone @ Tivoli

Angus & Julia Stone @ Tivoli

Angus & Julia Stone @ Tivoli

Angus & Julia Stone @ Tivoli

Angus & Julia Stone @ Tivoli

Angus & Julia Stone @ Tivoli

Angus & Julia Stone @ Tivoli

music // velociraptor @ clubhouse

22 Sept 2010

Velociraptor @ Clubhouse

i checked out velociraptor on the weekend and drank a lot of beer. 12 band members is a lot - a whole lot. although i can say i know 1/6 of the band so that's a pretty good fraction. when there's something like 8 guitars on stage, that's a whole lotta sound coming at your face. also, jeremy is a natural frontman. go jeremy!

Velociraptor @ Clubhouse

Velociraptor @ Clubhouse

Velociraptor @ Clubhouse

Velociraptor @ Clubhouse

fashion // twin cat vintage

31 Aug 2010

twin cat models:
chelsea aka bells, charlie aka dash & will, and mardi

my super talented friend sam sent me a sneak peak of her latest photo shoot for twin cat vintage. she roped her talented friends into modelling (chelsea is bells, charlie is one half of dash & will, and mardi is practically the face of twin cat). she's going to launch her brand spankin' new webstore tomorrow (!) and also launch her debut line of clothing (!!!). she's been busily designing clothing and accessories and preparing new packaging and press packs and it all looks fantastic so far.

on my last trip to melbourne i watched her shoot some pieces for the ebay store and checked out her office/wardrobe/stock room. it's packed to the ceiling with goodies! i also helped by ironing some pieces to be photographed. sorry sam, my ironing skillz aren't great!

twin cat collection - behind the scenes from chase burns on Vimeo.
here's the behind the scenes video that sam's boyfriend chase made.

mixtape // august

27 Aug 2010

there's a lot of stuff i've been listening to for ages but i don't have much new music at the moment.

have you got any recommendations?

photography // fireworks at the ekka

Fireworks @ Ekka

Fireworks @ Ekka

Fireworks @ Ekka

Fireworks @ Ekka

Fireworks @ Ekka

i went to the ekka a couple of weeks ago. it's our yearly exhibition where you get showbags, watch woodchopping, check out baby animals, buy lots of food and watch fireworks and bands. a friend got free tickets so we went and spent lots of time in the food and wine pavilion and got dagwood dogs (i can only have one once a year, but that one dagwood dog is just sooo good). everyone else had to leave for various parties, but i met up with my sister and her boyfriend and stayed for the fireworks and the bands.

music // two door cinema club

10 Aug 2010

Two Door Cinema Club @ Billboard

while i was in melbourne last week i saw two door cinema club at billboard and they were just amazing and so danceable! i'd been looking forward to seeing them play for months and they certainly didn't disappoint. melbourne is somewhat infamous for its stagnant crowds, but not at TDCC... it was the most extreme mosh i've seen since i was last in a phoenix mosh. phoenix have deceptively violent enthusiastic fans!

singer alex announced an after party at cherry bar since it was their last show in australia. we didn't have work the next day, so what the heck! we went along to cherry bar for some $3 pots, good music, dancing like a maniac and met alex, who was really lovely. although, he didn't make me feel so confident about moving to london since he said "oh i live in london. i've only been assaulted once." he must have seen the look on my face because he followed up with, "don't worry. they go easy on girls." comforting. so comforting, haha.

Two Door Cinema Club @ Billboard

Two Door Cinema Club @ Billboard

Two Door Cinema Club @ Billboard

Two Door Cinema Club @ Billboard

Two Door Cinema Club @ Billboard

more videos here.

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