lomo // random photos in my inbox

29 Oct 2011

As the days get shorter in London, I'm spending a bit more time at home, and I've realised I have a lot of photos to post from past travels and adventures. There's still more Glastonbury to post and I don't think I ever did a post about my Tuscan cooking class all the way back in April. I went to Glasgow and Edinburg last weekend and haven't even edited photos yet!

Here's a bunch of Lomography photos I've taken though. I just found them in my inbox.

Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris // part 3

19 Oct 2011

Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris

I've still got some more Madame Grès posts lined up... only one more after this one. I just loved the exhibition so much I couldn't not post all my photos, so you, lovely readers, will just have to keep looking at photos of beautiful garments.

Speaking of readers, a big hello to all of you who are reading, because as I keep obsessively checking my stats, you're reading from the UK, Australia, USA, Canada, Alaska, Russia and Asia. Hello to all of you!

Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris

food // cheese and wine festival

18 Oct 2011


I had zero plans for the weekend until M messaged and said she was going to the Cheese and Wine Festival. That sounds like my heaven on earth. I was in!

Macarons seem to be staples everywhere now. Just like cupcakes.



This was a cheesecake stall. Let's see if I can remember them: peanut butter, raspberry and white choc, pistachio, Daim (as in the delicious chocolate/caramel bar!!), banana and choc and triple choc. I think. I think...


We settled for green tea cheesecake but my friends weren't so keen, so I ended up polishing it off.

David and David from the Outsider Tart doing a baking demo of pound cake and pumpking cheesecake. And we got to sample - delicious!

Then we sat on the deck for an hour or so, hydrated with some juice and then cracked into the caramel vodka - oh my gawd it's amazing! We had it in espresso martinis later...

We toddled back to M's and L & I came over later and brought some delicious cold meats and crusty bread and I forced everyone to watch X Factor where we thoroughly enjoyed getting our judge on.

Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris // part 1

12 Oct 2011

Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris

While in Paris, we managed to catch the Madame Grès exhibition at Musée Bourdelle on its very last day. I saw the exhibition being blogged about and was very excited when I found out it was extended up to the weekend I'd be in Paris! Her work is just exquisite and the amount of work that went into every dress must have been immense. No wonder she thought ready-to-wear was the lowest of the low in fashion and it was the last haute couture house to start producing ready-to-wear.

It was amazing that clothing designed and made over 40 years ago still looked so contemporary. Most of her work is truly timeless because you could happily wear any of those dresses today!

I was so enraptured (yes, enraptured!) with the exhibition that I bought the overpriced companion book in French. I'm definitely not fluent in French, so I'll have to take it to my friend's house who speaks fluent French so he can read it to me like a bedtime story. Anyway, here's some photos that attempt to capture the amazing detail and tailoring of Madame Grès' work.

Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris Madame Grès @ Musée Bourdelle, Paris

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