travel // i got interviewed!

29 Aug 2012

Thanks to my friend Sam, who put me in touch with Lauren, I was interviewed about living in London and my travels for Student Flights! The link to the interview is over here if you're interested in reading about me gushing (slightly) about living abroad.

music // cloud control

So after being internet-less for over a week since one of our housemates moved out and the phone was in her name, we are finally back online! You don't realise just how much you use the internet until it's just not there and you have to make do with two bars of reception and the "E" haunting you in the corner of your iPhone (because of course we get dodgy reception in our house).

Anyway, what better way to kick start posting than a nice big music post. By nice big music post, I mean it's just going to be a post full of Cloud Control. Cloud Control are a band from the Blue Mountains in Australia and they make seriously great music. They're also wonderful people, foodies and all-round-nice-guys-and-a-girl.

I am so happy Ulrich and Al randomly invited LK around for dinner, that Kate and Dave were there. I'm going to miss them all dearly! But when I come back to visit I know I'll be coming to catch up with my superstar friends who are all superfamous musicians, actors and directors, so it'll be okay. Also, I'm expecting visits to Oz.

Now for some more Cloud Control videos because they're great and sometimes you just need some visuals to go with great music.

And the best comment: "I love how the drummer doesn't feel the need to smack the living fuck out of his drums. He's just all like: tish tish tish tish boom tish tish tish tish tish tish tish tish tom tom bdom etc."

Best comment: "you know what cloud control...? i'd like to buy YOU a gold canary x"

Best comment: "you guys need to make it haha. this is music. f you akon"

Best comment: "Cloud Control = WIN. HARD."

photos // london zoo

5 Aug 2012

2012_06_29 London Zoo copy

I have so many photos and posts to try and catch up on, but I have been maniacally busy at work and socially and just trying to start sorting out my life to move back to Australia. So here's some photos from my trip to the London Zoo a few weeks ago. Wait, no, it was the end of June. Wow. That's how far behind I am. Don't even get me started on my photos from Spain... eep!

2012_06_29 London Zoo copy

2012_06_29 London Zoo copy

2012_06_29 London Zoo copy

2012_06_29 London Zoo copy

2012_06_29 London Zoo copy

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