a long time ago i started writing down my 10 perfect albums and i just reviewed my list and added a few more! i consider an album "perfect" when i love nearly every single song and i don't want to hit skip. there might be one or two songs i don't love as much as the rest, but by and large, these albums make my perfect list. it's going to be a mishmash because i discovered them at different times in my life...

john mayer - room for squares
i discovered JM through my bff when we were in grade 9 and he was and always will be my number on favourite artist. no matter what.

phoenix - it's never been like that
MY FAVOURITE BAND. enough said.

death cab for cutie - plans
i genuinely love every single song. i even bought the dvd with all the video clips.

two door cinema club - tourist history
my second favourite band and i just cannot be sad when listening to their music. joy joy joy.

ladyhawke - ladyhawke
brilliant debut album and i listened to it on repeat in 2008.

bloc party - silent alarm
another brilliant debut album. bloc party live are one of my faves.

robyn - robyn
another album i had on repeat in 2008.

backstreet boys - millennium
judge me all you want, this is my favourite bsb album and pop perfection!

the beatles - abbey road
my favourite beatles album and i'd go so far to say that "come together" is my favourite beatles song of all time.

coldplay - a rush of blood to the head
my fave coldplay album full of brilliant songs, a lot of which make me teary when i see them performed live.

ed sheeran - +
the british boy wonder who is a smashing songwriter. i think he's "this generation's" john mayer.

fleetwood mac - rumours
do i really need to explain this one? really? nup.

evermore - dreams
my other favourite artist in high school. they got me through grade 12.

music from the oc mix 2
so this is technically not an album but BY FAR the best soundtrack to a tv show.