my old housemate alerted me to todd selby's website featuring peoples' houses, the selby, shortly after it started in 2008 and i've been following it avidly ever since. here's some of my favourite shots from brooklyn, new york in the latest post. owners lyndsay and fitzhugh are a jewellery designer and furniture designer respectively, and also work to build and decorate artistic homes with the brooklyn home company.
and a little blurb about todd selby just in case you haven't heard of him before...
Todd Selby is a portrait, interiors, and fashion photographer and illustrator. His project The Selby offers an insider’s view of creative individuals in their personal spaces with an artist's eye for detail. The Selby began in June 2008 as a website, www.theselby.com, where Todd posted photo shoots he did of his friends in their homes. Requests quickly began coming in daily from viewers all over the world who wanted their homes to be featured on the site. The Selby’s website became so popular—with up to 35,000 unique visitors daily—that within months, top companies from around the world began asking to collaborate.
These joint projects have included a large ad campaign and web project with Nike 6.0, a solo show at colette, an international ad campaign for Habitat, work for the New York Times T Magazine, and frequent contributions to Vogue Paris and Architectural Digest France. Todd’s first book, The Selby is In Your Place, will be released in May 2010 by Abrams.
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