big red bus we're riding on top

21 Apr 2011

Researching for a new book. Life is hard.

Our GM received a present from The Cupcake Company. Megan made his goddaughter a Barbie birthday cake and it was a mega hit. These beautifully decorated carrot and cream cheese icing cupcakes were divine. She might even get a book deal!







I'd just like to point out the fact that I'm in London and I'm wearing sandals. Yes. Summer is finally coming!

two parties in a weekend

9 Apr 2011

Lady Party

Carrot Cake Whoopie Pies

Carrot Cake Whoopie Pies

Mojito Cake


Raspberry Macaron

Lemon Macaron


broadway market

7 Apr 2011

Broadway Markets, London

Broadway Markets, London

Broadway Markets, London

Broadway Markets, London

I'm making it my mission to go to every London weekend market and so far I'm doing pretty well. I've been to Portobello, Camden, Columbia Road Flower Market, Brick Lane... and last weekend was Broadway Market, which is only a 20 minute walk from my place. Meg and Kate are rapidly becoming my market buddies and I'm sure I won't be able to go anywhere without them soon enough!

I was a bit naughty and bought a slice of custard tart and a Chorizo Scotch Egg. I'd never had one before and was rather curious to try it. The guy at the stall was really lovely too - he cut it in half and salt and peppered it for me (he didn't for the lady in front of me, hehe).

home sweet home

6 Apr 2011



BG, London

BG, London

Here's my Argos decorated bedroom. I'm not completely happy with it yet, but I've only been living here for a month or so and I'm on a pretty tight budget at the moment. Tuscany for Easter!

A boy, an abbey, a protest... and Kevin Spacey and Jude Law

5 Apr 2011

Westminster Abbey, London

Houses of Parliament, London

Westminster Abbey, London

Westminster Abbey, London


Kevin Spacey, Human Rights for Hungary protest, London

Jude Law, Human Rights for Hungary protest, London

Chris came to stay with me last weekend, and we smashed some sight seeing in a couple of hours: Trafalgar Square (with the lions), Piccadilly Circus, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey... and then we were almost trampled by a protest (I say trampled, but it was a peaceful protest) lead by Kevin Spacey and Jude Law. Chris felt his London weekend was well worth it.

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