travel // east side gallery, berlin

31 Jan 2012

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

I've been (finally!) posting my Berlin weekend on my travel blog, but I have too many photos from the East Side Gallery for one post, so I'm putting them up here! In case you can't tell from how many layers I'm wearing... it was cold!

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

Love this one!

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

2011_12_19 Berlin copy

links // link it

28 Jan 2012

2011_11_20 Cambridge copy

  • My friend Jess is a very talented designer and you might remember the personalised stationery I gave two of my best friends as a wedding gift? Anyway, she wrote up a lovely post about it on her blog
  • Katie Allen wrote about receiving her grandmother's crafty stuff.
  • Dice for change.
  • Free high quality fonts. I just went nuts.
  • Interesting take on the Marilyn meme! Maybe it's not as empowering for women as you think...
  • I thought I had more cool links... but I don't... Watch this space! I'm sure there'll be more!
  • food // heston's duck breast

    27 Jan 2012

    I've never cooked duck before, but I found Heston Blumenthal's recipe for duck breast and decided I'd try it out on my friends. It was really very simple to follow and it worked perfectly! I highly recommend. Nom nom nommms. Oh, and we also whipped up some home made pesto. Lemon juice was our secret ingredient!

    party // 25th birthday

    Sooo... it was my quarter century birthday last week and I threw myself a party in our living room. I'd spent months on a playlist picking the funnest, trashiest songs, so people would either say "oh YESSS this song!" or groan and say "oh nooo, this song". I thought I'd share my playlist since I got lots of compliments on it! Coolio's Gangster Paradise came on and all of a sudden the room was full of white guys rapping, Blink 182 turned everybody into headbangers and we all half-screamed along to Anastacia's I'm Outta Love. So much fun!

    I received some cookbooks, a lovely Italian red bag which I'm sure will make an appearance on here at some point, and a whole bunch of friends bought me a 3 month photography course!! Jon was given the same one for his birthday so we get to do it together. I've been wanting to take one for ages, but just not got around to spending the money and booking myself into one. The decision has been made for me and I'm stoked! Thanks friends!

    Some interpretive living room dancing at about 3am

    berlin // cloud cities by tomas saraceno

    26 Jan 2012

    2011_12_17 Berlin copy

    2011_12_17 Berlin copy

    2011_12_17 Berlin copy

    Can you see us?

    2011_12_17 Berlin copy

    2011_12_17 Berlin copy

    2011_12_17 Berlin copy

    2011_12_17 Berlin copy

    This is the baby sphere

    2011_12_17 Berlin copy

    2011_12_17 Berlin copy

    And this is the sphere we crawled around in

    2011_12_17 Berlin copy

    The ladder stairs were possibly the scariest part

    2011_12_17 Berlin copy

    You could sit underneath the sphere and watch people crawl around

    2011_12_17 Berlin copy

    2011_12_17 Berlin copy

    I've finally started blogging about my Berlin trip last month and since I took so many photos at the Cloud Cities exhibition, I thought I'd share them here. It was amazing! The work that went into each sphere and they were all held by ropes attached all over the room. The height of the sphere we crawled around in... 6 metres doesn't sound that high but when you're up there, my gosh it's high! I'm so glad I insisted we went!

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