happy valentine's day // happy singles awareness day

15 Feb 2012

Happy Valentine's Day/Happy Singles Awareness Day! Or, as my friend pointed out, its acronym is: SAD. Hope you all have a lovely day filled with love, whether it be from your lover (ha, I always pronounce it in my head like Prince sings it), friends, family or, like me, your dad. Dad usually gives me a card and a big hug.

Today is also the birthday of three of my friends, so happy birthday to Tom, Lisa and Jackson! The Villas (what we call our house) are making Tom a birthday dinner and cake - Mexican and a Victoria Sponge because we're multicultural like that.

Also, check out my friend Julia's blog about Valentine's Day. It gave me warm fuzzies.

Oh, and the photo above is a cookie from my manager. He bought them for all of us and left them on our desks. Naw!


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