ice cream // peanut butter & malteaser

13 Apr 2012

2012_04_07 ice cream copy

I went to friends' for dinner and Craig made his own honeycomb ice cream that was just so darned amazing, I tried it out myself the very next night, but I threw in a jar of crunchy peanut butter. This time I made it with peanut butter and Malteasers. YUM. We've been eating it all week! It's only got double cream, single cream and condensed milk in it. Getting my daily dose of dairy... right?

2012_04_07 ice cream copy

2012_04_07 ice cream copy 2012_04_07 ice cream copy

2012_04_07 ice cream copy

2012_04_07 ice cream copy 2012_04_07 ice cream copy


  1. Drooling. Although I am never going to learn how to make my own ice cream because it will only signal my demise into obesity.

  2. I'm surprised I've only made it twice!

  3. I've just found your blog through owl vs. dove, and really love it!

  4. Thank you so much! Your illustrations are amazing too. I've just added you to my google reader. :)

  5. Thank you! So glad to meet you Helena :)

    Gunseli x


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