sad times

9 Jun 2012

I fear my laptop may have died! This poses some serious issues for photo posting. I still need to catchup on my Copenhagen trip (from over a month ago - whoops) and now my photos from Spain! Sigh. Let's hope the Apple genius bar can help a gal out tomorrow! In the meantime, here's a photo from San Sebastian (taken and edited on my phone).


  1. Oh Helena, that's awful. I hope it's not something too serious and it can get fixed relatively quickly as I'm sure you need your laptop for more than just photo editing. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  2. Thanks! I took it to the genius bar and they replaced my hard drive so it's working fine now, but I had to whip out my credit card. :(

  3. Ooh, I'm glad it's working again and I suppose you can look on the bright side: it's cheaper than buying a brand new laptop.

  4. It's such a relief! Eventually I'm going to buy a desktop computer and have an iPad to cart around with me... Eventually! ;)


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